=== Dividing Line ===

I’m relaunching this website with detailed Unity articles on advanced topics and solutions to common developer challenges.

Older Articles

This post exists as a reminder that the articles older than this one have not been revised and may be of lower quality or may not fit the new direction.

I hope these articles don’t reflect badly on me or the quality that I strive towards.

I will eventually revise or remove some of these older articles.

Newer Articles

My focus now is on writing quality Unity articles about common challenges, lesser known features and tricks of the trade.

The planned articles are all inspired by Unity developer’s issues and challenges.

I will focus on Multiplayer and Workflow articles where information is scarce and AI too dumb to help intermediate to expert developers on their journey to master Unity development.

Unity Forum Support

Answering on the Unity Forum on a near daily basis since 2022 was the only way for me to experience what I’m missing dearly:

Helping peers working on games and entertainment projects succeed by removing blockers through troubleshooting, focused solutions and workarounds, and by teaching best practices.

It was also instrumental in procrastinating. Something felt off all the time trying to create awesome Unity assets I might sell.

Effectively, I now have a huge, largely unpublished back catalogue of software solutions, and mine and other expert’s answers to challenges faced by peers and myself.

What to do with all this?

Support me

Well, I could as well try to find success with what I’ve been doing consistently all my life: support game devs like you.

Sign up to my Patreon for free to boost my morale! And to get new articles in your inbox as well as access to my Unity Gaming Service Cost Calculator:

Unity Gaming Services Cost Calculator

My goal is humble: reach minimum wage income by 2026 through Patreon, affiliate links, freelancing and asset sales.

There’s but two things that I cannot and will not do because I would hate myself if I would:

  1. Shove random ads in your face.
  2. Grease up to sell overpriced digital snake oil.

2 responses

  1. Hey Steffen,
    just wanted to drop a quick comment to say thank you!
    I’m a Unity specialized game dev myself and your input on multiplayer topics is very valuable to me.
    Thank you also for your contributions on the Unity Forums over these years. I’m very well aware that benevolent comments don’t pay the bills, but I still wanted to reach out and thank you for your work!
    Good luck with all your future endeavors.

    Greetings from Germany 🙂

    1. Hi Dom! Thanks for your nice comment. Looking forward to get your input once I get started with the tutorials and share the repository.
      I’m also hailing from germany, in case you weren’t aware. 🙂

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